King For A Day

Started at the age of 4.
My mother went to the grocery store.
Went sneaking through her bedroom door to find something in a size 4.

Sugar and spice and everything nice wasn't made for only girls.
G.I. Joe in panty hose is making way for the one and only.

King for a day,
Princess by dawn.
King for a day
In a leather thong.
King for a day,
Princess by dawn.
Just wait till all the guys get a load of me.

My daddy threw me in therapy.
He thinks I'm not a real man.
Who put the drag in the drag queen.
Don't knock it untill you tried it.


fuente :

horn: David Campbell; Gabrial McNair; Stephen Bradley
mixer: Chris Lord‐Alge
engineer: Ken Allardyce
co-engineer: Tony Flores
incorporado por : Ken Allardyce
Productor : Rob Cavallo; Green Day
escritor : Billie Joe Armstrong
compositor : Green Day
musicbrainz_work_id: b4f693fb-5519-4039-b50e-dd74f2bc316b
idioma : Inglés
Atmósfera : Energetic; Freewheeling; Raucous; Rousing; Boisterous; Brash; Exuberant; Playful; Irreverent; Quirky; Rowdy; Rebellious; Cynical/Sarcastic; Snide; Rollicking; Paranoid; Manic; Messy
Tema : Cool & Cocky; Guys Night Out; Hanging Out
Estilo : Alternative Pop/Rock; Alternative/Indie Rock; Post-Grunge; Punk-Pop; Punk Revival